www.PortableSteamCleaners.org. Cleaning several rooms full of dust has never been easier with the use of the Steamfast SF 275. The Steamfast Steam Cleaner SF 275 is a top of the line portable steam cleaner that vacuums up dusts without letting it fly around. Especially if you're allergic to dusts, dusting or sweeping will not only make for an impossible way to clean the room but you'll also be sneezing your freckles off. This portable device makes use of steam to enhance and hasten the entire process making cleaning not only easier but more fun. Likewise, it doesn't require the use of harmful chemicals that can be detrimental to you, your family, and the pet. The Steamfast SF 275 SteamMax Steam Cleaner is very easy to install and operate. Simply by attaching the carry handle and steam gun cradle to the machine and filling the water tank with tap water, you're good to go. The Steamfast Steam Cleaner features a 50 oz. water tank and at full and normal operations, the device will steam clean for a full hour. The device also comes with instructions on how to descale the boiler of water minerals to help prolong its life. Although the manufacturers advise the use of distilled or demineralized water with the device to prevent mineral build-up. It is equipped with large wheels that enable you to pull it around. With the 12 foot power cord and nearly 7 feet of hose, you can have a wider working space. It is also very lightweight and you can carry it around to reach those high ...
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